Rustburg Elementary School

Rustburg Elementary School

25 Webb's Way Drive

Rustburg, VA 24588

Phone: 434-332-5215

Fax: 434-332-1151


Vicky White

Assistant Principal

Joel Dechant

Secretary/Attendance Clerk

Robin Elliott

Secretary/Book Keeper

Sarah Percival

A Note from the Attendance Team:

For any absence, please Dojo or email your child’s teacher. This must be communicated within 48 hours to excuse an absence. If your student has an appointment, please send in the note from the physician's office. Any attendance questions or concerns please contact Robin Elliott. 434-332-5215 or 

·After 3 unexcused absences, a letter will be sent home requesting notes to be sent to school explaining the reason for any future absences.      

·After 5 unexcused absences, a letter will be sent home requesting a parent conference.  A conference form will be completed and kept on file.     

·After 10 total absences, excused and/or unexcused, a doctor’s note will be required for any additional absences.     


Research shows that good school attendance has a positive impact on children’s academic success.   Please be mindful of the number of late arrivals and early dismissals your child accrues… every minute counts!

Important Dates & Events:

Feb 17 - Presidents’ Day; No school

Feb 18-22 - Random Acts of Kindness Week

Feb 21 - McDonald’s Give Back Night (canceled)

Feb 24 - PTO Meeting, 6:00pm in the Gym

Feb 26-Mar 7 - FunRun Fundraiser (More info to come!)

A Note from Administration:

Guess what event is just around the corner?! Please mark your calendars for the highly anticipated Pre-K Screening and Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-26 school year, scheduled for Wednesday, April 9! Please begin preparing now for this event by locating your child’s birth certificate, scheduling his or her 4-year old physical (including immunizations), and collecting two proofs of residency (from March or April). Please have this information with you, as it is required for enrollment.

Parents of students who will be 4 years old by September 30, 2025 may call our front office to make an appointment on April 9 for their student to be screened by an RES Pre-K teacher. Pre-K enrollment is not automatic. In addition to completing the Pre-K screening and submitting the documents listed above, parents must complete a PK Survey that will be available on the CCPS website March 1 and also be prepared to verify income. If parents come with proper paperwork and have completed the survey, there is a good chance that parents can be notified of acceptance the day of screening! 

Parents of students who will be 5 years old by September 30, 2025 may also call the office to make an appointment for Kindergarten Registration. Please remember to bring the documents listed above (birth certificate, physical and immunization records, and two proofs of residency) with you on Registration Day. The enrollment form, which is also a requirement, will not be available on the CCPS website until March 1. Please make every effort to complete the online registration form by April 9. 

We are so excited to welcome our newest litter of RES Bulldog Pups!

Set up your Parent Portal

CCPS School Cash Online

Did You Know?:

Rustburg Elementary is FULLY ACCREDITED?? Check out the details by following this link! 


Congratulations to Rustburg Elementary School for receiving the Continuous Improvement Award from the Virginia Department of Education! RES is one of only 93 schools recognized for increased student achievement on state testing. Visit the VDOE website to read more about this award. 

The Virginia Department of Education Annual School Quality Profile for Rustburg Elementary: 

Teacher Qualifications Notice: 

Dear Parents & Guardians:

As a parent of a student at Rustburg Elementary, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner, upon your request. Specifically, you have the right to request the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:

 ·       Whether the teacher has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.

 ·       Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status because of special circumstances.

 ·       Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification or degree he/she received.

 ·       Whether paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications.

Parents of students in Title I schools also have a right to know about state and division policies regarding participation in any assessments mandated by ESSA, including policy, procedure, or parental right to opt students out of such assessments. 


If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact the principal, Vicky White, at 434.332.5215 or in writing at 25 Webb’s Way, Rustburg, VA 24588.

Thank you for your support!

2022-2023 Growth Assessments Family Communication:

For the 2022-2023 school year, students in Virginia public schools will take growth assessments in grades 3-8 reading and mathematics once in the fall and once in the winter (mid-year). The fall and winter growth assessments will focus primarily on content from the student’s current grade level. The assessment has been configured so that the student might be administered some items from below or above the current grade level depending on the student’s responses to the on-grade-level content items. The spring assessment will continue to be the regularly occurring Standards of Learning (SOL) test.

The growth assessment will not include a passing/failing score, but individual student score reports will be provided with details of how students performed on each test item to identify skills already learned as well as the skills they may need additional help with during the school year. 

After completion of testing, results will be shared with you. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher. Thank you for your continued support!